Soul prosperity

Avoid living a beggarly life. It will birth a mentality of lack in you. Start living by the faith of God's son. Start living by what the Word says.

Prosperity is not in the amount of things you have: not the amount of money in your bank account. Prosperity is in your mentality. A mentality of no lack: a mentality of abundance even when things are not in place.

Never allow situation and circumstances around you determine how you reason and think. Don't even think the way certain persons think because of the material results they have but rather think Christ!

Let your thought life, your ideologies and your perceptions be centered on the Word of God. 

Never allow your thoughts be dominated by what your natural senses perceives:  Submit you thought life to the leadership of God's Word.

Never let loneliness overwhelm your heart this season. The devil is a master in mind games: he will start flooding your mind with negative thoughts and if you succumb to his gimmicks, he'll use your vulnerability to destroy you.

Guard your heart with diligence. Let God's Word brood over your heart. Soak your mind in the water of Knowledge this season. Give no place to the devil..
If you live by the natural senses, you will die: if you live by the spirit, you will live.

Don't live by what you see, hear, feel, touch, or smell: but rather live by what the Word of God says.

Never live by sight: rather live by Faith(Absolute trust in God's Word)

I love you
