Really living for Christ ?

One of the stories that every believer ought to learn wisdom from is Moses story. Though he was the son of Pharaoh's daughter, was a prince in Egypt who had full access to all the treasures, wisdoms, power and glory of the first world ruling power, and was the next rameses after his brother, he forsook that land of pleasure and rather chose to dwell with the Israelites, a new nation which had no civilization. 

He left all the wealth, dominion and inheritance assigned to him just to please God. Hebrews 11 made it clear he esteemed the sufferings of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt for he had respect unto the recompense of the reward.

He hearkened to God's voice, chose to suffer affliction with God's people because he saw the invisible(he had Faith and endured unto the end). 

As a minister of Christ, there are so many pleasures you'll deny yourself of and like a mad man, follow Christ. Men, even those from your household, family friends, associates will think you've gone insane cos of your decisions and convictions but you must be unmovable and unshakeable. 

In this degenerated world, there are dubious means via which people attain heights, material and financial advantages,: but because your life has been consecrated to service alone, you can't venture into such things.

Your mates may be dinning and winning sin, lust, avarice, fornication but your own body and mind ain't yours anymore to think and do lawlessness. 

 In this your own journey as a minister, you will meet ladies,  but like a priest, you dare not defile any: else you become like satan, wandering to and fro in life and ministry with no eternal value and reward. 

Bible references Heb 11, Exodus 2,3
