Christ in you, the confident assurance of Eternal bliss in God

The Spirit of truth is Christ in you. This is the greatest and highest revelation of God to Man. This Revelation was hid before the worlds were framed by God's word, hid from the early fathers, from Abel, from Abraham who God reffered to as his friend. This truth was hidden from Moses, the great deliverer of the children of Israel from Egypt, one who parted the Red Sea and did terrible things in righteousness. 'God in Man' was hidden from the High Priests of the early tabernacles (Aaron and his sons), from David, Samuel, Daniel, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel even though they Prophesied about it, they couldn't decipher the mystery. The mystery was also hidden from the devil and his demons.

The mystery of godliness, which is God indwelling a man by the substitutionary work of Jesus was purposefully concealed by God in Christ to be later revealed to those who will be heirs of salvation by the sufferings of Christ.

When the fullness of the times came, God sent his Son who is the exact replica and duplicate of Him, having His own Eternal  life, to die in order to bring about redemption of the old man and the birth of the New man. Hidden in the death of Jesus is glory divine. If the devil and the rulers of this age had known that killing Jesus will bring about the full manifestation of glory upon the earth thus bringing about a new government of God in the heart of man, he would have left Jesus to keep roaming about the streets of Jerusalem. Jesus would have kept doing miracles, signs and wonders, healing the oppressed and casting out devils but the essence of the salvation plan which is to bring many sons to glory wouldn't have been fulfilled.

While Christ walked upon the earth i.e before his death and resurrection, he couldn't open the understanding of men because men didn't have the HolySpirit in their heart to reveal the person of Christ to them. They could only reach God via their unrenewed mind. The resurrection of Christ brought about the outpouring of the HolySpirit who is now the revealer of the person of Christ to men. 

This Revelation called truth is the greatest any man can have, greater than the appearing of ten thousand angels to you in a day, greater than your encounters with the Spirit world. The Spirit of truth revealing the mind and the purposes of God to your understanding will bring you to a full stature in Christ. This is the plan of the Father from the beginning which is now made manifest by the appearing of Christ to all men.

Take your eyes off shadows and set your heart on truth( Reality). Christ is Truth.

Bible passages: 1 Corinthians 2:4-9, Colossians 1:27, 1 Peter 1:10-12( KJV)
