Don't get conformed to the systems of this world

The community you find yourself and society at large will always frown at godly living and smile at derailed, devaluated and degrading acts.
You wanna live a godly life in  today's world, you will be greatly Persecuted, afflicted, mocked and discouraged! 

It takes those who are truly diligent in the knowing of Christ and are living by that knowing to stand strong nowadays!
Our society is so designed in such a way that if you as a believer ain't careful, you'll be serving idols unawares.
If you truly love and fear Christ, you will persevere and hold firmly to sound doctrine and godly living(consecrations) regardless of the circumstances around you!

The association you keep will to a large extent determine your fulfillment in life. It will determine your choices, then your decisions(actions),your thought patterns and ideologies which then alters your convictions and then your destiny! 
You must discipline yourself to the point of carefully selecting the messages you listen to, songs you hear, movies you watch, sites you visit on your smartphones. These things will affect the way you live either positively or negatively
