Who you are in Christ


This nature- righteousness (who you are) is what made you a reborn spirit in the class of God [Heb 2:11, 3:1]. You are a member of the Godhead [God the Sons{You and Christ}]. That nature is what made all things in God available to you! You've got access to all thing embedded in Christ [2 Pet 1:3-5]. 

Christ ressurection from the dead made him attain all powers in the universe [Phil 2:9]. The birth of the Church in Acts 2 made available the HolySpirit. Now, the HolySpirit which indwells you carries in HIM all the Powers of Christ[Eph 2:9]! You've got the Powers of Christ available at your disposal [Matt 10:1, Mark 16:17-18].

What triggers the functionality of this Power is when your minds fully understands and grasp your identity(Righteousness) [Eph 1:17-19]

Your mind will fully comprehend this when you dig deep into God's Word. God's Word is the mirror that shows you your Picture (Christ)
