Walking on Waters

Your faithlife culminates when your mind & it's faculties are totally influenced by the fruit of the Spirit which is love. When you begin to walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing and your lovewalk towards others is healthy, it can be said that you've matured in faith.

The Christian life is a life of victory. It's a triumphant life! We have the victory over sin, over death, over sicknesses, diseases, over all demonical forces of hell & total victory over the devil! We are more than conquerors through Christ who has given us the victory!

True prosperity is not having monies in abundance. It is in your ability to give and then having more and more to give. A man's worth is not measured by the abundance of his earthly possessions but in the lives such has influenced positively. Our society teaches the opposite.

What you focus your attention on will overtime rub on your consciousness. Hearing God's word consistently will cause faith to build up in your mind thus making you sensitive to spiritual things. This will make you truimph & then live the life God has called you to live.

When you labor to enter into God's rest, you are fighting the good fight of faith. This fight of faith is when your whole consciousness had been submerged in faith, you no longer have any confidence in self but in Christ and then you are resting on that blessedness only.

Approaching God on the basis of your own holiness and good works is sin consciousness. What pleases the father is when you come before his throne on the standpoint of your full confidence in Christ being your high priest and advocate. That's Faith!

Having full confidence in the flesh (the law; good works & deeds, achievements) rather than putting one's faith(trust) in Christ's finished works is sin against God. Without #Faith, it's impossible to please God, not without self righteousness!

The difficulties and delays you're facing is not as a result of God's punishment for your wrong doings. No man can face God's wrath and still stay alive. It might actually be an opening you gave in for the devil to afflict you but definitely not God's punishment on you.

When folks finally decide not to be of help to you when you're faced with challenges that needs urgent assistance, don't end up hating them. It's their choice to either #help you or not. Rather than hate, you just trust God for those who'll be willing to be your destiny helpers

When you believe you have been supplied with all the treasures in God and then you come to a full awareness of what you have, confessing these things and then walking in these realities, you'll see a mighty hand of the supernatural in your life.

The sacrifice of Christ has given anyone who believes in his resurrection all things in God. The man who believes in Christ has been given same authority and power Christ possesses; dominion over all things whether on earth or in heaven.

When you're faced with situations way too big for you to handle, don't chicken out & fall prey to unbelief, worry and confusion. What you need do that very moment is to pray in the #spirit to a point where your heart gets flooded with peace. Pray in the Spirit always!

When your heart is clogged with worry, unbelief, heartaches or depression, what you need do is consult God's word, the perfect therapy and remedy for such conditions. 

Psalms  107:20 He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions.

Even in a country undergoing a harsh economic condition or a financial meltdown, embracing God's word in one's daily activities and everyday life grants one a mentality of No lack, a mentality of an all round prosperity. Blessed is the man who meditates on God's love towards him

In Christ lies all treasures of wisdom, knowledge, wealth, grace and life unending. Embrace his love and see your life undergo an all round transformation.

You can also like Christ walk on water if you'll just believe in the integrity of God's word and the infallibility of his blessed promises. Just believe!

Fill your mind with joy. Dine in God's love. Be ever conscious of God's unlimited benevolence towards you at all times. By doing so, you are enhancing your walk with God
