On end times

Don't get distracted and carried away with the pleasures of this life, the wants and desires for material things, positions, power, fame and vain glories, shifting your focus from the coming of the Lord! 

The time of Christ's coming is already at hand. There are lots of current happenings captured already in the scriptures which will occur shortly before the taking away of the saints bodily from this world.

First of which is the great falling away; the mass departure of those who once believed in the faith, then natural disasters, wars and rumors of wars, men becoming lovers of themselves; men lusting after their own kind, demanding sexual satisfaction from animals & then the mystery of iniquity which is already operational (at work)

It's then expedient a believer gets his heart occupied with the thoughts of God's Spirit; guarding his soul with all diligence, preventing it from being corrupted by the elements of this world

In the coming days, you will hear of notable men of God, leaders in the faith, even those who have once professed a strong allegiance to their faith in Christ publicly walk away from the fold, many being swayed by doctrines of atheism, agnosticism & universalism, a large number yielding to inordinate fleshy desires

It is therefore the believer who endures to the end that shall be saved! Saved from the torments of the dark age to come, firstly from the torture of the Antichrist system of governance and then from the punishment of eternal condemnation, sufferings & death in Sheol! 

It is he that endures to the end that shall be saved!! 

Stand firm in the grace of the Lord, established in the faith, having your loins guarded with truth and your convictions on the faith built firmly on a solid foundation

Watch (be vigilant; at alert) always and pray!!

