Nuggets for the month of August

Poverty isn't a means via which God chastises his children, neither is it orchestrated by our heavenly father to make us stronger in faith

That's a very wrong concept which over the years have built a stronghold of lack in the hearts of many

It's a demonic influence, it cripples one's ability to be a source of blessings and joy to others in need

It's the major source of anger, bitterness, regrets, unhealthy relationships, inferiority and sadness

It'll stop one from giving to God, to church projects and to the poor and needy outside the faith

Poverty won't fund missions, it will hinder the message of the gospel flying to nations where the word is needed

Even Christ urged us to make friends with money i.e we use our financial and material resources to win millions of souls

Riches and financial blessings are cardinal virtues highly needed not only for kingdom advancement but also for living a healthy, peaceful & joyful life here on earth!

It's a pleasant thing to be a channel of blessing to others, always having enough to give, and having enough for one's self 

It's a pleasant thing to put smiles on faces of those whose hope is already fainting out

It's also pleasing to God when his children flourish in all things


The major step to attaining fulfilment is knowing one true self

this knowledge will not only give one a sound mental wellness but also affect all other stratas of one's life

The mirror which reveals to us ourselves, who we really are is surely the Word of truth. 

In it, one's nature gets captured clearly, making one live a fruitful, fulfilled & blessed life, full of peace of prosperity & joy in the Holyghost.

The one who dedicates time to looking at himself in the mirror (the law of Liberty) and walking upright according to God's standards will end up having a life devoid of worries, fear, mental unbalance (chronic depression), sickness, diseases and failures

It's a proven fact!

What are your convictions built upon ? 

Is it founded on the sure eternal word of truth (as seen in the holy writings) or on mere popular opinions of men and society? 

A man's convictions about life will influence his life, thinking & destiny

The man who builds his convictions on a solid ground of the word is likened to the builder who lays the foundation of his house on a Solid Rock,

The one who builds his convictions and concepts on popular opinions which over the years have gained full acceptance in the society is like that folk who laid the foundation of his house on sand, on a desert- 

when the storms, wind and circumstances of life hit that which he has labored to build over the years, they all fall to the ground, making such folk miserable

Who then is a wise man? Him who will fortify his convictions with the Word (equipping himself with the knowledge of righteousness), making the written sayings of the Holyspirit the philosophy which runs his life

In a world filled with turbulence of troubles, it is very foolish to live life based on mere assumptions, mere opinions engrafted in the mind via culture...


God's ability to forgive and pour out HIS mercies is so powerful that HE once for all dealt with sin by the death of his Son. 

The sins of all men from the time of Adam, to the time of the crucifixion, to now and beyond was all cleared, nailed to the cross and anyone who believes in the resurrection is free from its influences

The believer is a new creature in Christ, free from debts of sin, guilt, condemnation, from the grip of fear (slavery) and the punishment of eternal damnation. 

That sinful nature which once claimed rulership over such individual's life, which made him a child of disobedience, a transgressor to God's will and standards was destroyed, rendered inactive.

Righteousness which is God's nature now gets infused in his DNA

Now he lives a life of joy, peace, purity, grace and triumph in Christ as a result of his continuous fellowshipping and intimacy with Christ's Spirit inside him and then the Word of truth (the Holy scriptures) which is God's manual given for spiritual growth!

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