
In an age where the quality of men's lives and worth are viewed through the lens of materialism and judged by flamboyance and luxurious lifestyles displayed on social media, it's rare to see folks who still genuinely love the lord when their financial strengths are weak.

When a man have waited on the lord for a while and it seems the wait is being delayed for long, the next available option for such is to yield to the opinions of his flesh and do things which will produce a quick result yet contrary to the Spirit 

Regardless of what you see around you, on social media, on TV, let your heart remain fixed in the love of God.

When thoughts that gives sincere reasons to compromise your faith starts flooding your heart, spend enough time praying in the spirit till the Holyspirit's peace clouds your reasoning and conscience

When you seek first the things of the Spirit, every other thing that pertains to your well being, your needs and wants will get themselves supplied to you.

Don't give up on God. Though he tarries, he'll surely come through when the time is right, when it's his time.

Keep the flame of God's love burning intensely in your heart.

And remember, you can't say you love the lord and be comfortable compromising your faith, doing things that defiles your conscience. 

The man who loves the world, whose heart is so much entangled with the affairs of this life, the beauty, the aesthetics, the pleasures and glories of this 3D world doesn't have the love of the father in Him.

If you have the love of the father in your heart, you will hate the world system, it's orientation, it's schemes and activities.

In a world revolving around money, it's really enduring to love the father. The man who endures and keep the faith and love of the father to the end shall be saved!

When you give your life affairs to the Holyspirit, you have no regrets

Most times, things won't go the way you planned. This might get you upset and all but most times, its the Holyspirit leading you out of troubles your eyes have failed to see

It's expedient to always pray for divine guidance, for divine directions 

It's so easy to follow one's judgement and to lean on one's understanding, but the end can be disastrous

It's expedient to ask the Holyspirit to lead you aright, and order your full steps.

