Kingdom Influence

A man who will influence his generation with the gospel must think differently from ordinary men. His thought life must be submitted to perfect obedience to Christ; He will have the mindset of Christ i.e He will primarily do God's will(soul winning, discipleship and evangelism.

A man with a mission to impact lives positively will be focused and serious with investing the virtues of Christ in his personality. 

It is what a man invests in his life that he'll give his generation. Such a man is committed to growing spiritually, mentally financially. 

'You influence your generation with the investment in your Personality'

A man on a mission to bring the influence of Christ(God's kingdom) to men will be temperate in all things. His words will be filtered, devoid of vulgar words. Such words won't flow out of his mouth since it's already consecrated to speak only life. Men on mission do not utter vain words. They speak Spirit and Life

A man on a mission to inspire a generation with the wisdom of God will be so committed to study. He must have a sound, balanced theological exegeses of Scriptures and a godly character so as not to mislead a generation.

Such a man is characterized by diligence and perseverance
