
Your duty as a believer in Christ

[ ] Priestly duties; Offering your body [Members] as a living sacrifice unto God daily via Worship; prayers, supplications, thanksgiving, intimacy, and consecrations [Holy living]

[ ] Growing in the appropriated knowledge of God's word: Renewing your mind to that of Christ.

[ ] Soul winning(evangelism) and, discipleship(furnishing men in truth)

[ ] Your love walk- giving to the poor and needy(especially those of the household of Faith)

As a believer, your wealth, time, energy, wisdom, should be focused(directed) on pleasing Christ.

Outside these is Witchcraft!
When your heart as a minister shifts to accumulating monies, cars, having the largest auditoriums, being the most known Man of God in town, then you are no more serving Christ but satan.

The yardstick for ministerial relevance isn't materialistic. It's measured simply by the network of lives you've created(built) over time by the gospel! 

You are to perfect saints in the word of truth and in the knowledge of righteousness so they(the saint you've perfected) can also do the work of the ministry(reconciling lost souls to Christ); the end product of which is to build the body of Christ(like an edifice)- a spiritual house.
