The Law and Grace


The Law of Moses was  guide to make them realize their insufficiency and point them to a savior who will save them sin and death. 

In the Torah(books of Moses; also Pentateuch) there are 613 laws written, containing statutes, precepts, judgements and commands. Anyone who violated one of these was stoned to death by all the children of Israel(outside the camp) so the Law [which was spiritual and holy] brought about sin consciousness to them(the Jews) and then death took advantage of sin and reigned among them.

They saw insufficiency in themselves to fulfill these laws and ordinances set before them and so they were all under the Dominion of sin and death [The strength of sin is the Law]

Grace on the other hand is an unmerited favour from Christ. The death of Christ abolished sin and death which had reigned in the old dispensations and brought life. So like a wife, the Jews were separated from the law and then given a new husband(Grace) and anyone who receives this new husband receives Life(Rom 7).

This Grace which came by Christ was later extended to the Gentile (Non-Jewish) Nation. It's a free gift received when anyman believes in the name of Jesus.

That gift is what brought you out from the pit of sin which imparted death[Which you were before you came into Christ] and translated you into a kingdom of Light, righteousness and life. You didnt do anything to merit God's free gift, it was given you freely(it's a gift- something given freely); 

You don't need go to Jerusalem to get any anointing oil and then drink it to get this grace, you just believed the gospel and God's grace was imparted to you.
