Who is Jesus?

Who is Jesus? 

Jesus is the Word of God made Flesh. 
Jesus is the perfect representation of God.
Jesus is the visible image of God, because God is a Spirit invisible. 
Jesus is the High Priest of those under the New covenant predicated upon his blood
Jesus is the mediator and testator of the New covenant

Jesus is the love of God made manifest in the world
Jesus is the brightness of God's glory and splendor
Jesus is the Wisdom of God
Jesus is the Power of God
Jesus is the righteousness of God made manifest in us
Jesus is the Life of God; God essence
Jesus is the Light of heaven, the Upholder of the algorithm of grace and truth; the Intelligence of God
Jesus is the Firstborn from the dead: 
Jesus is our resurrection
Jesus is God's grace that have appeared to all men on Earth. 
Jesus is Lord and Savior
Jesus is God!
