Faith capsules

The moment you realize your success in life will only spring forth from the seed of greatness in your spirit, you'll stop focusing on shadows & start giving your full time and energy to digging out the treasures in you.

All what matters in life is living a life of impact, no matter how small one can actually achieve that. You can achieve your dreams & aspirations by starting small & with time, the resources at your disposal get multiplied to influence lots of people around your sphere in a positive way

I'll always be a source and a channel that gives hope, strength, faith, wisdom & courage to men, women and children in a dark world & a failed system. I'm a dispenser of life & truth

Start small. You'll end up being a mighty oak.

Hate procrastination, Loathe Laziness. They are dream killers.

Avoid those who loves intimidating people with their 'vast knowledge' on a subject, imposing superiority rather than making others gain awareness on the subject matter. Such persons are always toxic to hang around with.

Your self worth and esteem should stem out from the standpoint of who you are to God in Christ. You're God's dream come true.

Your worth is same as Christ's to God because it costed the blood of Christ to get you saved. You're God's own treasure.

You're God's Jewel of inestimable value

Always seek out God's guidance in all your endeavors. Failure to do so is pride and the outcome of such decision can be gruesome. Pray!

Rather than lodging complaints, murmuring and dinning in unbelief, give thanks to God for the little things he has done for you over the past few months.

You've got nothing to thank him for, at least thank him for the breathe of fresh air. That's how you overcome the enemy.

People who are loyal and original are rare to find. If you've got one in your life right now, hold him or her dearly.

Stop comparing yourself to others. The end product of such act is depression, worry, frustration & heartaches.

When you're faced with troubles and afflictions and all you do is complain, murmur & then utter words in unbelief, you're strengthening & giving more space for more afflictions and then causing the devil to triumph over you. All you need do is glory(rejoice) in those inadequacies.

When you're faced with challenges way too bigger than what you can handle, take time to pray to God and hear what he has to say about what you're passing through.

Never live life to please others. You can't please man. Rather, you just walk in accordance to God's will for your life and stay joyous.

A man's convictions and beliefs are a product of his thoughts, ideas & mental frame. Channel your thoughts and ideologies to be a reflection of God's Word. Let the word of faith determine your lifestyle & then your destiny! Not what society dictates.

Never allow fear grip your heart. The believer in Christ has no covenant with fear and Death! Keep the Faith alive in your heart!

Frown at the devil


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