The love for money

Just saw a video on a friend's timeline where a lady was butchered for sacrifice. It's so crazy what's hovering round the territories of our society. Wicked spirits flying on wings of money rituals seeking men to devour. 

To the ladies, be careful out there and pray! Don't be covetous and foolish. Pray so you won't fall victim of the evil one. Pray so you won't fall prey of the adversary, the devil! Pray!!

If a man loves money way too much or is a hedonist, a lover of material things, it's very very dangerous for him, a disaster unstoppable. 

He's like a tractor which has lost its brake power heading towards chaos.

The love for & worship of money is the root of all evil. Many through this inordinate lust have pierced themselves with so much sorrow (1 Tim 6 paraphrased)

If you notice your heart is seriously gravitating towards an illicit & inordinate love or lust for money and materialism, and you're having an urge to compromise, which is unlike your thoughts and what you'll have ever conceptualized in your mind, then like David, kindly do a thorough heart check and tell the lord to search your heart, to purge your mind of every inclination towards negative thoughts. You can take a fast to subdue the power of the flesh over your spirit. Guard your heart, out of it flows your life issues! 

What are you feeding your heart on? Feed on the word!

Is money good, definitely it is. The world and it's glories revolves around economic strengths & financial powers. The power of money cannot be overemphasized. Without it a man is devoid of exchange or purchasing power & the tendency to become a slave to it is surely strong for the man devoid of spiritual wisdom.

A man whose citizenship isn't of this world should not become a slave to it. When the man in Christ submits his life totally in consecration to God, then the economy that'll run his life will be that of Zion. The blessings of the Lord flows to him and he enjoys favor.

The economy that runs my life is surely that of heaven. It's not a clichΓ© or a cunningly devised fable. It's for real. And I can boldly say my heart is garrisoned with joy, peace and freshness. It's renewed daily cos I spend time fellowshipping with my indwelling spirit. When I am weak, it's at that point that the strength of Christ gets renewed in my soul & spirit like an eagle. It's my experience.

If you spend time with Christ, most things that bothers men won't bother you. You'll not be like a tractor already headed towards chaos, neither will you have depressive or nihilistic thoughts.

Follow on Instagram: @Derraleo
